Sunday, February 12, 2012

What we do with case you are dying to know

We are in two playgroups, both of which formed when Shelby was 4 months old. Some of the babies in her playgroup are a full 6 months younger than Shelby, so we have known some of these cute little munchkins for nearly their entire lives! It's a really special thing to see a group of babies (and now toddlers) grow up together, learn each others' names, learn to play together (as Shelby is just beginning to play games like ring around the rosie with her friends!), and an even more special thing to have a group of moms to bond with and seek support from.

We take an art class once a week. It has been great for giving me ideas of arts and crafts to do with Shelby.

We also take a music class once a week. This is our second time taking music, and Shelby really enjoyed it the first time around though it took a few sessions for her to come out of her shell. This time around, we are taking the class with a different franchise and things are a little bit different from the other class – younger instructor, slightly different ways of doing things – not bad per se, but different. We are three sessions in and Shelby doesn't seem engaged in it, but I'm not sure if it's just that she needs a bit more time to warm up to the new environment.

We are currently on a break from our gymnastics classes and won't be resuming for a couple of weeks, but Shelby is 100% in her element in these classes and I am eager for them to begin again.

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